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- [Attachment narrative therapy]
[Attachment narrative therapy]
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Článek typu recenze na: Dallos, Rudi. Attachment narrative therapy : integrating systemic, narrative, and attachment approaches. -- Maidenhead, Berkshire, England ; New York, NY : Open University Press, 2006. -- ISBN 0335214177, 0335214185.
Skorunka, David. [Attachment narrative therapy]. Československá psychologie, 2007, 51(3), 322-324. ISSN 0009-062X. Recenze na: Dallos, Rudi. Attachment narrative therapy: integrating systemic, narrative, and attachment approaches. Maidenhead, Berkshire, England; New York, NY: Open University Press, 2006.
- Zdroj dat
- Zdrojové periodikum / Zdrojový web
Československá psychologie, Roč. 51, č. 3 (2007)