Exposure to Sexually Explicit Materials and Feelings after Exposure among Adolescents in Nine European Countries: The Role of Individual Factors and Social Characteristics

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Research on adolescents’ sexual exposure has mostly focused on negcative outcomes using a risk-based lens, and there is little work on the factors that may predict exposure, as well as youths’ emotional responses to sexual content. Using a cross-national sample, the present study examined the associations of individual (sensation seeking and emotional problems) and social characteristics (the quality of family environment, including active and restrictive parental mediation) with adolescents’ exposure to sexually explicit materials and their feelings after exposure.

LEBEDÍKOVÁ, Michaela [et al.] .Exposure to Sexually Explicit Materials and Feelings after Exposure among Adolescents in Nine European Countries: The Role of Individual Factors and Social Characteristics. Archives of sexual behavior, 2023, roč. 52, č. 1, s. 333-351. ISSN: 0004-0002 (tištěná verze). ISSN: 1573-2800 (elektronická verze).

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Zdrojové periodikum / Zdrojový web
Archives of sexual behavior, roč. 52, č. 1 (2023)