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- Unspeakable [elektronický zdroj] : father-daughter incest in American history
Unspeakable [elektronický zdroj] : father-daughter incest in American history
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Monografie a sborník
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Elektronická kniha zabývající se problematikou incestu a sexuálního zneužívání dětí v americké historii, resp. v 19. a 20. století.
Obsahuje: Incest in the nineteenth century -- Medicine and the law weigh in -- Gonorrhea and incest break out -- Protecting fathers, blaming mothers -- Incest disappears from view -- Incest in the twentieth century.
Sacco, Lynn. Unspeakable: father-daughter incest in American history [online]. Baltimore. Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009 [cit. 2014-04-07].
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