Role sociálního pedagoga ve škole a společenské realitě Slovinska

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Článek k problematice role sociálního pedagoga ve škole a společenské realitě Slovinska.

The authors focus on the role of social pedagogy and the options of social pedagogues' engagement in the context of the social changes and schooling reforms in the past 16 years in Slovenia. Social pedagogy is a relatively new discipline in Slovenia. Specialists in this field are trained in the care of individuals with special educational needs and those endangered by negative phenomena. Also, they are involved in prevention programmes and processes aimed at organizational improvement. There are a number of social pedagogues working in basic schools (more would be needed): they participate in the diagnostics and care of problematic children, in the creation of positive social relations in schools, and in prevention activities. Despite many difficulties resulting from educational reforms, social pedagogues seem to have a lot to say in basic schools.

Zdroj dat
Zdrojové periodikum / Zdrojový web
Studia paedagogica : sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, Roč. 55, č. 12 (2007)