Understanding anger disorders [elektronický zdroj]

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Elektronická kniha věnovaná problematice hněvu.

Obsahuje: Theory and Research -- Anger, the forgotten emotion -- Ubiquitous and intangible: The problem of defining anger -- How anger differs from other emotions -- Anger and Aggression -- Theories of anger and aggression -- Anger as a Moderator of violence -- A proposed model of the relationship between anger and aggression -- Cognitive and Behavioral Models of Anger -- Behavioral Models of Anger -- Cognitive Models of Anger -- Anger and Co-morbidity -- Anger and Axis I Pathology -- Anger and Depression -- Anger and Personality Disorders -- Diagnosis of Anger Disorders -- Objections to Formalizing Anger Disorders -- Functional and Dysfunctional Anger -- Proposed Criteria for Anger Disorder -- Subtypes of Disturbed Anger -- Intervention -- A Review of the Anger Treatment Outcome Literature: What we Know Works -- Roadblocks to Successful Treatment of Angry Clients -- Preparing Clients for Anger Treatment -- A Comprehensive Model of Anger Treatment.

DiGiuseppe, Raymond. Understanding anger disorders [online]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007 [cit. 2014-05-27].

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