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- Grief in children : a handbook for adults
Grief in children : a handbook for adults
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Publikace zabývající se problematikou zármutku u dětí v souvislostí se smrtí (rodičů).
Obsahuje: Children’s grief and crisis reactions -- Different types of death -- Death and crisis at different developmental levels -- What makes the grief worse? -- Sex differences in children’s grief -- Care for children in grief and crisis -- Guidelines for taking care of children’s needs -- Handling death in the play group and at school -- Crisis- or grief-therapy for children -- Bereavement groups for children -- Caring for oneself.
DYREGROV, Atle. Grief in children: a handbook for adults. 2nd ed. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008. 207 s. ISBN 978-1-84310-612-8.
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