Training grapheme-phoneme correlations with a child-friendly computer game in preschool children with familial risk of dyslexia

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The objective of the European research project, GRAPHOGAME, is to investigate the effects of training with a child friendly computerised letter-sound correspondence game on alleviation and possible prevention of severe problems in reading and spelling acquisition at preschool age in several language contexts within Europe. The aim is that children actively train the important correspondences through an interesting game and learn through good representations of grapheme-phoneme correspondences on which they can form a solid foundation for their reading acquisition.

Související obsah

Problematikou specifických poruch učení (dyslexie, dysgrafie aj.) a jejich nápravě se na portále Šance Dětem věnují články:

- od Renáty Faltýnové s názem "Problémy s učením"

- od Miloslavy Rutové s názvem "Kineziologie - náprava poruch učení u dětí".

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