Special exercises could ward off dyslexia in young children

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Fully developed dyslexia can be prevented through the use of special exercises, according to the latest research from Finland's Centre of Excellence in Learning and Motivation Research. Dyslexia loosely refers to reading disabilities; those in the medical community define it as a condition resulting from neurological, maturational, and genetic causes. The Finnish researchers successfully isolated key identifiers of the early onset of dyslexia and prevented it from developing further through the use of special exercises.

Související obsah

Problematikou specifických poruch učení (dyslexie, dysgrafie aj.) a jejich nápravě se na portále Šance Dětem věnují články:

- od Renáty Faltýnové s názem "Problémy s učením"

- od Miloslavy Rutové s názvem "Kineziologie - náprava poruch učení u dětí".

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