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- "Nekupujete si lásku, kupujete si službu" : (re)konstrukce péče o děti v prostředí agentur na hlídání = "Don’t buy love, buy a service" : (re)construction of childcare in the environment of placement agencies
"Nekupujete si lásku, kupujete si službu" : (re)konstrukce péče o děti v prostředí agentur na hlídání = "Don’t buy love, buy a service" : (re)construction of childcare in the environment of placement agencies
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Článek zabývající se problematikou péče o děti v prostředí agentur na hlídání.
During the last couple of decades, paid childcare has become one of the central issues of feminist research. Agencies mediating childcare are a relatively new actor in childcare arrangements in the Czech Republic. This article argues that these agencies do not fill a gap in the market by offering childcare. Far from providing simple supply that reacts to a market demand, the agencies create the demand for specific care. Drawing upon qualitative research conducted with owners of these agencies, the text looks into the ways in which childcare is constructed. The issues of qualified, specialized, and professionalized care are discussed. The article aims to show that childcare in the agencies is deconstructed as a natural female activity and is reconstructed as a gendered activity requiring particular skills that are subjected to professional screening. eng
Souralová, Adéla. "Nekupujete si lásku, kupujete si službu": (re)konstrukce péče o děti v rpostředí agentur na hlídání = "Don't buy love, buy a service": (re)construction of childcare in the environment of placement agencies. Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum, 2012, 13(1), s. 33-41. ISSN 1213-0028.
- Zdroj dat
- Zdrojové periodikum / Zdrojový web
Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum, Roč. 13, č. 1 (2012)