The Teacher’s Role in the Reflection of Social Disadvantage

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Článek zabývající se problematikou role učitele v souvislosti s reflexí sociálního znevýhodnění u žáků v českém prostředí.

The paper attempts to explain the definition of socially disadvantaged pupils and the role of teacher in the Czech educational environment, because the characterization of this specific group of pupils is one of the important preconditions for setting adequate support and compensation precautions. The teacher is one of the important participants of inclusive educational environment and in a crucial position in terms of education of socially disadvantaged pupils is. The authors analyze the partial results of a research survey that was carried out in the Pardubice Region and in the Moravian-Silesian Region on the educational levels ISCED 1 and ISCED 2 and that aimed to identify partial characteristics of individual teachers' attitudes to socially disadvantaged pupils. The study presents the partial results obtained using semantic differential. The premise was that between observed groups of teachers were significant differences in the perception of the stated conceptual indicators.

Zdroj dat
Zdrojové periodikum / Zdrojový web
E-pedagogium : an independent scientific journal for interdisciplinary research in pedagogy, Vol. 2013, No. 4 (2013)