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- Altruistically inclined? : the behavioral sciences, evolutionary theory, and the origins of reciprocity
Altruistically inclined? : the behavioral sciences, evolutionary theory, and the origins of reciprocity
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Monografická pulikace věnovaná problematice altruismu v sociálních skupinách v kontextu evoluční psychologie.
Field, Alexander J. Altruistically inclined?: the behavioral sciences, evolutionary theory, and the origins of reciprocity. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001. xvi, 373 s. Economics, cognition, and society. ISBN 0-472-08947-1. https://www.amazon.com/Altruistically-Inclined-Behavioral-Evolutionary-Reciprocity/dp/0472089471.
Elektronická verze: Obsahuje: Evidence and logic -- Multilevel selection and restraint on harm -- Reciprocal altruism, norms, and evolutionary game theory -- Deconstructing Frank -- Altruism, rule violators, and the case for modularity -- Modularity and the "heuristics and biases" research program -- The invisible hand and the blind watchmaker -- Bibliography -- Index.
Field, Alexander J. Altruistically inclined?: the behavioral sciences, evolutionary theory, and the origins of reciprocity [online]. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004. Economics, cognition, and society [cit. 2012-05-18]. https://aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=direct&doc_number=002205160&local_base=NKC.
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